Back in the days before “extreme” sports became mainstream, motocross riders were amongst the fittest athletes in the world. I was surprised that, two days after my first off-road rides in ages, I already can feel why.
Granted I’m untrained, coming out of a cold and a stress-filled week, so I wasn’t at 100%. That said, I’m feeling the effects in new and unusual places. I always take this as a good sign of refreshing a recently-unused muscular system.
Empirical observations in the days following two short rides:
Day 1
Bod felt taut, particularly in the upper chest torso area + shoulders
Day 2
A slight diminishing of upper-body tautness and a noticeable fatigue in the adductors that I haven’t felt for years. DOMS ftw

Tension in elbows and ulnar nerves, particularly the left arm (*pre-existing condition)
Day 3
Minimal adductor fatigue. Upper bod feels like it does when I take creatine. Def feel it in my lats today?!? #zoinks
I’m sure my personal stress and cold of last week contributed to some degree. But given how many different areas of my bod are feeling this mild effort, there is no doubt that trail riding can be a very effective whole-body workout.
Riding a motorcycle is in an of itself is a physical act. Riding a “regular” dirt road kicks its physicality up a notch. Add in some sand, rocks, and/or other obstacles, and so many systems are unwittingly activated that it is a very efficient mode of whole-body exercise.
Plus, it is SO much fun to do. 😀