236#, hbA1C 5.8, iVO2M 29.4
Consistency is THE most important thing – take one step each day, no matter how small, to build the habit. Even just thinking counts, on occasion, but repeated action is the activator.
Change self-image thinking to: I’m a fit person and this is what I do. “I killed my clone” – old behaviors cannot be dragged into the new image.
Time-Restricted Feeding/Intermittent Fasting: Try not to eat anything after 7pm or before 10am, preferably 12 noon. Don’t feel guilty if can’t do it today, particularly as metabolism kicks in. The hungry feeling seems like a decent indicator for when the beneficial physiological effects really start to ramp up.
Eating primarily proteins and veggies, generally keeping carbs low (will increase carbs with training), as little sugar as possible. Low or no carbs during day to maintain energy and alertness. Add after exercise for recovery and later in day/evening for better sleep.
Review/update protocol in eight weeks
Check hbA1C monthly, CVS product ~$50 for 2 tests
Take 1.5g Acetyl L-Carnitine on an empty stomach first thing in the morning for lipid (fat) oxidation and mobilization. (Yerba mate good for this too via GLP1)
View sunrise, outdoor light, or bright lights upon waking to set circadian rhythm
Go for walk after waking; 15m minimum, 30m+ best, with coffee/yerba mate tea before or during walk
Meditate for 10-30m – Headspace, Calm
Ingest Athletic Greens/Green Superfoods on empty stomach
Journal for 30m with música excellente
Take 1000mg Omega3 EPAs/day – always check how much EPA/serving so get enough
Begin Day
Rob the Markets
After three decades+ of (intermittent) weight training and bicycling, I’m switching my training to emphasize GymnasticBodies.com (no affiliation) style exercises for greater functional fitness and physiological health.
- Strength train and/or yoga 3x/week
- Zone 2 cardio 3x/week
- Best when zone 2 maintained for longer periods, ups mitochondrial function, optimal 120-180 minutes/week, targeting 3x45min seshes
- Alternate focus each week
- Heat/cold cycling: target 57 minutes of dry sauna/steam/hot tub plus 11 minutes of cold/shiver a week. More is not better
Last food by 7pm
No food one, preferably two, hours before sleep
Start dimming lights around 9pm
Electronics off at 10pm, book/journal/study hall time
Bed at 11pm, stay in dark all night
Sunday rest & refeed day #noms
Huberman Lab podcasts
Peter Attia, MD podcasts
Tim Ferriss podcasts
(And many, many, more of their vids)